We have been fast at work, visiting schools, and looking for our new partners for 2015. We have fine tuned our criteria of selection, have run through our robust and detailed selection process, have met numerous time with the parent community, the school and district administration and the teachers.
Elementary school Juan Alberto Rangel Galindo
We are happy to announce that we have signed a partnership agreement with 4 schools in the Rethalhuleu department of Guatemala. These are three elementary schools (Santa Cruz Mulua, Brillantes and Juan Alberto Rangel Galindo) and one middle school (Aldea El Xab).
We feel very confident and excited about working with these new partners. They all have a strong leadership team, motivated teachers, and are eager to collaborate and work together to get the most out of the tools we provide. This is up to a good start of the year!
Elementary school Brillantes
Middle School El Xab